EPNA I Check-In mit der IHRA

Den Bericht zum EPNA Check – In mit der International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) können Sie hier auf Englisch nachlesen:

EPNA Online Check-in with the IHRA on Oct 10 at 9am (CET)

Regular check-in sessions are crucial for EPNA members, providing a forum to connect, share perspectives, and discuss critical issues. In this session, attended by over 20 participants, Jurmet Huitema-de Waal, Chair of the Committee on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial at the IHRA, shared insights into the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) work.

Jurmet’s conversation with EPNA members focused on the IHRA’s “Working Definition of Antisemitism,” addressing its advantages and challenges. She discussed the history and purpose of the IHRA definition, which has been instrumental since its adoption in 2016 in raising awareness and guiding policies against antisemitism. The definition provides policymakers, educators, and institutions with a framework to identify antisemitism. The session emphasized the importance of viewing the IHRA definition as a tool for identifying antisemitism, while recognizing the need to consider context when assessing incidents.

Additionally, Jurmet offered a broader perspective on the IHRA’s work beyond the working definition of antisemitism, highlighting global initiatives in Holocaust remembrance, education, and research. She emphasized that the IHRA is a leading force in preventing genocide and promoting human rights. The organization’s contributions range from collaboration with policymakers to educational initiatives that deepen understanding of the Holocaust and foster international cooperation against antisemitism.

 In conclusion, the check-in provided EPNA members with a deeper understanding of the IHRA and its working definition against antisemitism, while acknowledging the complexities surrounding its application. If you’d like to join an EPNA check-in, please reach out. We’d love to welcome you to the next session.

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