CPPD | Announcement: International Conference 2023 “Remembering The Present”

Cultures of memory are fundamentally involved in our societies’ processes of understanding social identity(ies). They also play an important role in conflict dynamics that we experience today on the German, European and global level and show the close interweavings of our histories. Processes of remembrance are also related to (experienced) violence and trauma. As emancipatory acts, however, they also offer resistance: Against social troubles and human rights violations and for a future that does not repeat violent pasts and presences.

It is against this backdrop that the Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse’s (CPPD) international conference on “Remembering The Present” will take place in Berlin on October 20-21, 2023. It is dedicated to the possibilities, the limits, and the responsiveness of remembrance and remembrance culture in light of daily political events.


Meeting of network partners, for actors in the field of politics of remembrance

Friday, 20.10.2023 – 14-18 h – Villa Elisabeth
Together with you, we would like to exchange experiences in remembrance policy work in Germany and Europe as well as best practice examples. The goal is to network institutions, organizations and actors in the field and to create synergies between topics and projects.
Registration required! Please send us a short email by September 22, 2023, in which you briefly explain the context of your work in the field of remembrance policy: cppd@dialogperspektiven.de

Evening event

Saturday, 21.10.2023 – 18-21h – Academy of Arts
Together with experts from academia, art, journalism and activism, we will explore different contexts of remembrance and possibilities, limits as well as the responsiveness of remembrance culture in light of contemporary conflicts. In addition, we will provide insights into work results from the CPPD’s network.
Register by September 22, 2023 at the following link: https://bit.ly/registrierung-konferenz-cppd-2023

The events will be in German.

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