Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse

The Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD) is a network of 60 artists, intellectuals, scientists, journalists and activists who work and research on remembrance culture in a variety of ways. Initiated in 2021, the network aims to develop artistic, civic and educational concepts for pluralistic remembrance.

The CPPD is a collaborative network and a productive platform. Due to the composition of the network, diverse activistic, scientistic and artistic perspectives of remembrance cultures become visible and interconnected. Among others, political remembrance cultures concerning Sinti*zze and Rom*nja and numerous other communities, plural-Jewish, postcolonial and racism-critical discourses as well as migrant-diasporic and queer-feminist perspectives are in exchange.

In addition, the CPPD implements various event formats and interventions (panel discussions, readings, workshops, conferences, etc.), supports remembrance policy projects of CPPD members with micro-grants, and advises institutions that are committed to a contemporary update of their cultures of remembrance in Germany and Europe. The CPPD establishes a connection to relevant actors of remembrance politics and builds on the achievements of the previous work of civil society actors in Germany and Europe. Today, the CPPD operates in a network of over 200 initiatives, institutions and organizations.

The artistic curator of the CPPD is the author and publicist Dr. Max Czollek, Johanna Korneli and Jo Frank lead the programme together with the Programme managers Angela Mani and Lea Otremba.

Programme's website