Who we areDialoguePerspectives. Discussing Religions and Worldviews e.V. is a Berlin-based European platform that is independent of any political party or ideology. We are committed to strengthening plurality and democracy in Europe through educational and civil society programmes. Our aim is to develop and implement impact-oriented civil society programmes that address current and future challenges facing European society.
Our multifaceted work makes a decisive contribution to European understanding, cooperation and the shaping of a pluralistic, democratic and solidarity-based Europe, as well as to the defence of European civil society. European societies are plural. DialoguePerspectives e.V. recognises this fact by focusing on the development and communication of plurality competence. Plurality competence includes the dedicated advocacy of equality, acceptance and recognition as well as the resolute fight against group-focused enmity. DialoguePerspectives e.V. brings together civil society actors from all areas of society and with varied religious and worldview backgrounds to collectively develop perspectives on the central challenges facing our European society. In doing so, we are committed to long-term changes aimed at creating an open, resilient and democratic society.
In our work, we do not see crises and conflicts as obstacles, but rather as occasions for strengthening cooperation, building trust and deepening mutual understanding.
In addition, DialoguePerspectives e.V. offers workshops and consultations for institutions, associations and initiatives that require the expertise of the DialoguePerspectives team.
DialoguePerspectives e.V. relies on the active participation and collaboration of its programme participants and alumni. Over the past few years, the international DialoguePerspectives network has become a central resource for identifying our programme priorities, for shaping these and for transferring the programme’s findings to all areas of social interaction.
The DialoguePerspectives team brings together a wide range of skills, expertise, experience and biographical backgrounds to develop and implement innovative concepts, methods and tools for a pluralistic European society.
The programmes administered by DialoguePerspectives e.V. include:
DialoguePerspectives. Discussing Religions and Worldviews, which explores and carries out new and innovative forms of societally oriented interreligious-worldview dialogue.
The Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD), a network committed to contributing academic, artistic, activist, and journalistic interventions on various topics related to the plurality of European society.
Dagesh – Jewish Art in Context, which supports Jewish artists and is engaged in pedagogical work about contemporary Jewish life in Germany and Europe.
The European Practitioners Network, which provides a network for practitioners working on racism, antisemitism, and other forms of group-related discrimination and supports them in transferring knowledge from practical anti-discrimination work to academia.
is a university professor of Jewish Studies / Religious Studies at the University of Würzburg. He is involved in numerous interreligious discussion formats, including Dialogue Perspectives.
is the co-founder and curator of the Munich Art Festival ausARTen – changing perspectives through art. In 2019, she took over as Head of Islam at the Zurich Institute for Interreligious Dialogue and advises municipal institutions in Zurich (Switzerland) in these fields.
holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Religious Studies from the University of Münster and is the founder and current head of the programme “Religion and Foreign Politics” at Polis180, a Grassroots-Think-Tank on European and Foreign Affairs. She is studying International Relations in Berlin. Her academic focus lies on peace and conflict studies, peacebuilding and international conflict resolution, gender as a category of analysis and the role of religion in international relations.
is a literary mediator and curator, and actively engaged in cultural politics in Berlin. Alexander Graeff is a co-founder of PEN Berlin.
Prof. Dr. Frederek Musall (Vorsitzender)
Maximiliane Linde
Hannan Salamat
Dr. Alexander Graeff
Johanna Korneli
Jo Frank
Neta-Paulina Wagner
Kira Wisniewski
Nihal Çalışır
Johannes Vogel
Klarina Akselrud
Zsófia Bihari
Caroline Riggert
Maria Sand
(Yana Lamberska)
Maxi Kiesewetter
Hannah Blumas
Angela Mani
Lea Otremba
Viridiana Cortes Coria
Francisco Schellert
Dr. Max Czollek
Florian Eisenheuer
Anna Solovei
Pauline Voigt
Mayla Sprenger