DialoguePerspectives | Retrospect: Annual Summit 2024

DialoguePerspectives | Retrospect: Annual Summit 2024

Over the past decade, DialoguePerspectives has refined dialogue methodologies to address contemporary issues and promote inclusive interreligious and worldview dialogue among young European leaders. This approach equips participants to face Europe’s crises and demonstrates the transformative power of dialogue in building understanding and cooperation. Participants leave with enhanced skills, knowledge and a strong network committed […]

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DialoguePerspectives | “Voices of Resilience: Exploring Crisis and Cohesion in Contemporary European Society”

DialoguePerspectives | “Voices of Resilience: Exploring Crisis and Cohesion in Contemporary European Society”

“Voices of Resilience: Exploring Crisis and Cohesion in Contemporary European Society” will be part of the Annual Summit of DialoguePerspectives. We anticipate the participation of 60 young future European leaders from 20 countries. We will engage with these young change-makers in discussing the challenges posed by the European polycrisis from an interdisciplinary perspective, provide insights […]

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DialoguePerspectives | Podcast Episode 31

DialoguePerspectives | Podcast Episode 31

Language as a Marker of Identity In this episode our hosts Neta-Paulina and Whitney delve into the fascinating world of linguistics with our special guest Dr Semra Kızılkaya, a postdoctoral researcher in German linguistics from Bielefeld University. Dr Semra Kızılkaya, whose academic journey spans Berlin, London, and Cologne, brings a wealth of knowledge on social […]

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CPPD | 1. European Congress »Memory Matters« | St. Pölten

CPPD | 1. European Congress »Memory Matters« | St. Pölten

Wie können wir das Gedenken an Gewaltereignisse in die Erinnerungskultur integrieren und das Zusammenleben in einer vielfaltigen Gesellschaft stärken? Die Konferenz „Erinnerungsbedarf. Konferenz zum pluralen Erinnern in Migrationsgesellschaften“ vom 1.-2. Juni 2024 in St. Pölten setzt sich mit Möglichkeiten und Leerstellen im Umgang mit Erinnerungskulturen auseinander. In aufeinander bezogenen Beiträgen diskutieren Wissenschaftler:innen, Angehörige betroffener Communitys und […]

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DialoguePerspectives | Call for Application: Alumni Study Tour 2024

DialoguePerspectives | Call for Application: Alumni Study Tour 2024

“Sarajevo between Past and Future –Exploring Historical and Contemporary Challenges of Interreligious Pluralism” Often hailed as the ‘Jerusalem of Europe’, Sarajevo is a testament to Europe’s complex tapestry of historical and contemporary challenges. Renowned for its resilience, the city provides a vibrant backdrop for exploring the nuanced lessons and debates that shape our understanding of […]

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DialoguePerspectives | Retrospect:  Study Trip to Marseille

DialoguePerspectives | Retrospect: Study Trip to Marseille

“Marseille – Religious Plurality at the Crossroads of a Multicultural City and National Laicism” A group of current and former participants of DialoguePerspectives travelled to Marseille, France, to explore the city’s history and contemporary challenges, including migration and social issues. Their journey aimed to understand the complexity of Marseille’s social and religious landscape and helped […]

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DialoguePerspectives | Interfaith Dialogue Forum in Vienna

DialoguePerspectives | Interfaith Dialogue Forum in Vienna

On 15 May, PARTES hosted an Interfaith Dialogue Forum in Vienna to discuss participatory approaches to the protection of places of worship and cultural heritage. DialoguePerspectives participated and engaged in in-depth discussions on polarisation and the causes of extremism. The focus was on extremist rhetoric and threats of violence against places of worship and cultural […]

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DialoguePerspectives | Workshop with the Start Alumni e.V

DialoguePerspectives | Workshop with the Start Alumni e.V

DialoguePerspectives participated in the 2024 Alumni Meeting of Start Alumni e.V. We hosted a session where we presented the programme and conducted a workshop with the participants on the topic “Reflecting Crises – Fostering Collaborative Action”. The aim was to emphasise dialogue as a method. Current crises such as the climate crisis, geopolitical conflicts, the […]

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Dialogperspektiven | Call for Application: Decade Edition 2024

Dialogperspektiven | Call for Application: Decade Edition 2024

“Reflecting the Past, Envisioning the Future: European Core Conflicts in a Time of Polycrisis” As we celebrate a decade of dialogue and cooperation through the DialoguePerspectives programme, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in Europe’s history. The current convergence of crises underscores the imperative for collective expertise, insights, and perspectives on charting a path […]

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DialoguePerspectives | Call for Application: European Leadership Workshop 2024

DialoguePerspectives | Call for Application: European Leadership Workshop 2024

In today’s turbulent times, multiple crises have left politics and society in a perpetual state of emergency. The digital realm has become a battleground of polarized views and widespread misinformation, making online navigation challenging. Despite advances in information technology enhancing communication accessibility, platforms like Facebook and TikTok also pose a threat to democratic systems due […]

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Dagesh I Jewish Week Dresden

Dagesh I Jewish Week Dresden

We are delighted to be working with our partners in Dresden to highlight contemporary Jewish activism, art and culture in the Saxon capital. On April 15-16, the Jewish Week Dresden presents the symposium „”Jewish, Now! – The Significance of Jewish Culture for a Democratic Society”. “Our aim is to reflect on vibrant Jewish culture and […]

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DialoguePerspectives | Review: Spring Seminar 2024

DialoguePerspectives | Review: Spring Seminar 2024

The Dialogue Perspectives Spring Seminar 2024 analyzed the shift to the right in Europe using the example of Italy. 50 European participants examined how the shift to the right was prepared, what effects it has and how it can be counteracted. Historical contexts such as fascism and the fragility of democratic norms were discussed. The […]

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Dagesh | Exhibition opening in Augsburg: “Transitions. Jewish Perspectives on the Present”

Dagesh | Exhibition opening in Augsburg: “Transitions. Jewish Perspectives on the Present”

On 25 January, the temporary exhibition ‘Transitions. Jewish Perspectives on the Present’ was opened at the Jewish Museum Augsburg Swabia. The exhibition, a collaboration between Dagesh – Jewish Art in Context and the Jewish Museum Augsburg Swabia, highlights different artistic positions on current developments and discourses. Represented in the exhibition are a variety of mediums, […]

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DialoguePerspectives I Kick-Off “Jewish-Muslim Solidarity”

DialoguePerspectives I Kick-Off “Jewish-Muslim Solidarity”

The significant kick-off event “Jewish-Muslim Solidarity: An Action Programme to Combat Prejudice and Discrimination” took place on 10 and 11 December, bringing together representatives from over 20 institutions. The event, moderated by Neta-Paulina Wagner (DialoguePerspectives) and Vatan Ukaj (Wertansich(t)), facilitated an open and inclusive exchange, promoted networking and supported the joint development of a sustainable […]

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EPNA | Workshop „Hands-On Against Antisemitism“ in Berlin

EPNA | Workshop „Hands-On Against Antisemitism“ in Berlin

Against the backdrop of the Hamas terror attacks and the ongoing war in Israel and Gaza, an enormously important event for DialoguePerspectives e.V. took place from 5–7 December: Representatives from 20 member organizations of the European Practitioners Network Against Antisemitism (EPNA) convened in person in Berlin, marking a pivotal shift from their regular monthly and […]

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DialoguePerspectives I Interreligious-Worldview Calendar 2024

DialoguePerspectives I Interreligious-Worldview Calendar 2024

Celebrate European diversity with our Interreligious-Worldview Calendar 2024! The calendar provides an overview of holidays and commemorations, reflecting the diverse religious and worldview backgrounds of our participants of nine programme years, as well as the diversity of the current European society. Available in English and German, with a digital version coming soon! Order your copy […]

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CPPD | ERINNERUNGSFUTUR. Gedenkkalender 2024

CPPD | ERINNERUNGSFUTUR. Gedenkkalender 2024

The second edition of our Pluralistic Calendar is now available (German version only) At the end of the year, the CPPD is publishing the second and expanded version of our booklet #ERINNERUNGSFUTUR. It includes contributions from members of the CPPD network and guest authors who reflect on and diversify a wide variety of commemorative days […]

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DialoguePerspectives I Episode 26: The Entanglements Between Right-Wing Agents and Religion in Europe

DialoguePerspectives I Episode 26: The Entanglements Between Right-Wing Agents and Religion in Europe

In a special episode, the hosts reflect on the transformative European Leadership Workshop 2023 in Budapest, entitled ‘Know Your Enemy: The Entanglements Between Right-Wing Agents and Religion in Europe’. The podcast explores the manipulation of religion, gender and minority narratives by right-wing movements, revealing the complex ways in which they shape political dynamics and cultural […]

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CPPD | Retrospect: Workshop „Networking Meet-Up on Plural Remembrance Culture“

CPPD | Retrospect: Workshop „Networking Meet-Up on Plural Remembrance Culture“

The workshop ‘Networking Meet-Up on Plural Remembrance Culture’ took place on 10 November 2023 in the Brunnenpassage, Labor transkultureller Kunst in Vienna. The event was a collaboration of the Brunnenpassage with the Schauspielhaus Wien and the Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD). As a working conference, it facilitated exchange among people who are engaged with […]

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CPPD | Retrospect: Conference “Remembering the Present”

CPPD | Retrospect: Conference “Remembering the Present”

When does remembrance take effect? When do societies and individuals begin to negotiate history, to write history, on the basis of memory? In pluralist societies, cultures of remembrance exist in parallel. They take on elements of one another and become woven, for their part, into the story of who is meant by a society’s ‘we’, […]

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DialoguePerspectives I Retrospect: Autumn Seminar

DialoguePerspectives I Retrospect: Autumn Seminar

From 11 to 15 October 2023, the new cohort of Dialogue Perspectives met for the first time in Bonn to participate in the autumn seminar „Navigating Crises I Tools for Community-based Social Action“. This cohort is made up of 60 future leaders from 15 European countries. They bring with them a diverse range of religious […]

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DialoguePerspectives I Preview: Start of the new programm year 2023/24

DialoguePerspectives I Preview: Start of the new programm year 2023/24

We kick off the programme year 2023/24 with our Autumn Seminar on “Navigating Crisis – Tools for Community-based Social Action” from 11th to 15th of October in Bonn. We are delighted to see the DialoguePerspectives network growing and to welcome a new cohort of 60 participants from 15 European countries with diverse religions and worldview […]

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EPNA | Retrospect: Kick-Off event

EPNA | Retrospect: Kick-Off event

The European Practitioners Network against Antisemitism (EPNA) initiated its activities with a kick-off event held on both September 6th and 12th, 2023. These events drew the participation of 38 individuals representing 34 civil society organizations from a diverse array of European countries, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, […]

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DialoguePerspectives | Retrospect:  European Leadership Workshop 2023

DialoguePerspectives | Retrospect: European Leadership Workshop 2023

From 4 to 7 September 2023 20 participants from 12 European countries and a great diversity and pluralism participated in the European Leadership Workshop 2023 in Budapest, Hungary. Titled “Know your enemy: the entanglements between right-wing agents and religion in Europe”, the workshop focused on skills and discourse strategies for recognising and analysing right-wing discourse […]

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DialoguePerspectives | Retrospect: Open Monument Day at Alexander Haus

DialoguePerspectives | Retrospect: Open Monument Day at Alexander Haus

On 10th of September 2023, the Alexander House hosted the Open Monument Day. With DialoguePerspectives, we were on site to provide insights into our work and methods of impact-oriented interreligious-worldview dialogue. In high summer temperatures, Maximiliane Linde, deputy chairperson of DialoguePerspectives e.V., and Kira Wisniewski, project manager of DialoguePerspectives, talked with interested people from various […]

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CPPD | Announcement: International Conference 2023 “Remembering The Present”

CPPD | Announcement: International Conference 2023 “Remembering The Present”

Cultures of memory are fundamentally involved in our societies’ processes of understanding social identity(ies). They also play an important role in conflict dynamics that we experience today on the German, European and global level and show the close interweavings of our histories. Processes of remembrance are also related to (experienced) violence and trauma. As emancipatory […]

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Dagesh | Rückblick: Netzwerktreffen der Dagesh-Künstler*innen

Dagesh | Rückblick: Netzwerktreffen der Dagesh-Künstler*innen

Im August 2023 fand in Berlin ein Netzwerktreffen für alle interessierten Dagesh-Künstler*innen statt. Gestartet haben wir das Treffen mit einem gemeinsamen Besuch im Jüdischen Museum Berlin. Dort haben wir zusammen die Ausstellung „Sans histoire“ der diesjährigen Dagesh-Kunstpreis-Gewinnerin Maya Schweizer besucht. Nach dem Ausstellungsbesuch mit Susanne Wagner (Projektkoordinatorin Wechselausstellungen JMB) haben die Teilnehmenden untereinander ihre Eindrücke zur Ausstellung […]

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