Dialogperspektiven | Ausschreibung: Alumni Study Tour

Alumni und Teilnehmer*innen von Dialogperspektiven aufgepasst: Jetzt bewerben für den diesjährigen Alumni Study Tour in Sarajevo: „Sarajevo between Past and Future –Exploring Historical and Contemporary Challenges of Interreligious Pluralism“.

Mehr zum Event:

Often hailed as the ‚Jerusalem of Europe‘, Sarajevo is a testament to Europe’s complex tapestry of historical and contemporary challenges. Renowned for its resilience, the city provides a vibrant backdrop for exploring the nuanced lessons and debates that shape our understanding of cultural and religious coexistence.

The city’s remarkable history of interreligious pluralism is vividly portrayed through its diverse religious landscape – mosques, churches and synagogues within a stone’s throw of each other, each telling stories of centuries of cooperation and shared history. Sarajevo’s rich yet turbulent past, marked by conflict and the quest for integration, provides invaluable insights into the dynamics of living together amidst diversity and the scars left by ethnic divisions.

As Europe grapples with its own identity and strives to forge unity amid diversity, Sarajevo’s poignant history resonates deeply. From its time under Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian rule, through the harrowing times of the Yugoslav era and the Bosnian war, to the Bosnian genocide, Sarajevo’s journey illustrates the devastating effects of ethnic violence and the resilient spirit of pluralism. Today, as Sarajevo heals and evolves, it stands as both a cautionary tale and a source of inspiration, underscoring the critical importance of dialogue, tolerance and understanding in building lasting peace.

It is in this spirit that we are delighted to announce our forthcoming alumni study tour entitled „Sarajevo between Past and Future –Exploring Historical and Contemporary Challenges of Interreligious Pluralism“ which will take place from 29 August to 1 September 2024. The study tour explores the complex interplay between ethno-religious tolerance and the potential futures of European cities amidst global challenges. We invite you to join us in this important dialogue as we draw on Sarajevo’s experience to enrich our discussions about Europe and beyond.

Organised by DialoguePerspectives Alumni, this programme offers participants a series of immersive activities. These include site-specific visits to connect with local communities, workshops focusing on resistance and the role of activist art in shaping narratives, and guided tours of religious and historical landmarks.

Date and Location:
29 August – 1 September 2024 | Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Travel expenses up to €300 will be reimbursed. Please note that accommodation will be in double rooms as there are no single rooms available for this trip.

Application Details:
We invite 20 former participants of DialoguePerspectives to take part in the alumni study trip. If you would like to participate, please submit your application in form of a short letter of motivation (max. one page) to: bewerbung@dialogperspektiven.de.
The deadline for applications is 10 June 2024.
If you have any questions please contact us at:

We cannot wait to see you in Sarajevo and look forward to your application

Call for Application Alumni Study Tour


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