DialoguePerspectives | Ausschreibung: European Leadership Workshop 2024

Alumni und Teilnehmer*innen von DialoguePerspectives aufgepasst: Jetzt bewerben für den diesjährigen European Leadership Workshop: „Navigating the Confluence of Real-Life Crisis and Digital Democracy“ in Karlsruhe.

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In today’s turbulent times, multiple crises have left politics and society in a perpetual state of emergency. The digital realm has become a battleground of polarized views and widespread misinformation, making online navigation challenging. Despite advances in information technology enhancing communication accessibility, platforms like Facebook and TikTok also pose a threat to democratic systems due to issues like misinformation and biased algorithms. While the internet has fostered connectivity, it has also introduced challenges such as hate speech and surveillance, undermining democratic ideals. Profit-driven social media platforms often prioritize emotionally charged content, exacerbating the spread of misinformation.

As the digital world increasingly impacts real-life events, exploring digital democratic participation is vital. The European Leadership Workshop addresses these issues through interactive sessions, enhancing skills in critical thinking, digital literacy, and strategic communication to navigate the complexities of the digital age effectively.
From fostering critical thinking to enhancing digital literacy and strategic communication, our workshop promises to empower you to thrive in this ever-evolving environment.

The application is open to DialoguePerspectives’ alumni and participants! If you would like to participate, please send us an e-mail with a short letter of motivation to elw@dialogperspektiven.de. The deadline for applications is 30 May 2024.



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